
I’m a writer primarily focused on contemporary literary fiction, although I dabble in other genres as the mood strikes. I recently graduated with a double bachelor’s degree in English and Communication, and I’ve been continuing my studies through Harvard Extension School’s Creative Writing and Literature program, while working full-time as a communications specialist.

My work has been published in several local magazines and anthologies, and I have written four novel manuscripts in the last four years (none published, yet). I have also written screenplays for a couple of short films, including One-Man Band, which has been screened in both local and international film festivals.

In this archive, you’ll find original creative fiction, writing prompts, and blog posts from my Writing Rules Project series.


  • #160

    Write about a character who thinks too much.

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  • Yesterday a Shooter Drill

    (Written for The Hundred Microfiction Contest – 3rd Place) There are nineteen of them. Lined up against the brick wall. Waiting to taste the cool, metallic stream of water in the shade. Scratching at scabs on their bony legs. Drumming damp hands on the hot brick. Sticking out their dry tongues like dogs. They will…

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  • #159

    Write a list of ten things that would be unrecognizable without color.

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  • #158

    What is the quirkiest feature of your dream home?

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  • #157

    Describe the sunset tonight.

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  • #156

    Write a poem called “A Day in the Life.”

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  • #155

    Write a story that takes place on a bus.

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  • The “Print Your Draft” Rule

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  • #154

    Write a list of your favorite traditions.

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  • #153

    What is a subject you’d like to learn more about?

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  • #152

    Describe your favorite room in your home.

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  • #151

    Write a poem about rising up.

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  • #150

    Flash fiction. Setting: a grocery store. Character: an undercover queen.

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  • Setting a Morning Writing Routine

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  • #149

    Describe your hair right now.

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  • #148

    What is your most recent life milestone?

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  • #147

    Write about a time you felt like the smartest person in the room.

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  • #146

    Write a poem about your favorite bird.

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  • #145

    Write a letter from the point-of-view of someone wise.

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  • Novel-Writing Rules in Review

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  • #144

    What is the biggest lie you’ve ever told?

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  • #143

    Who are some of your favorite fictional characters?

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  • #142

    Write a list of ten people you admire.

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  • #141

    Write a poem about the sun.

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  • #140

    Start a story with this line: “Nothing could stop her.”

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  • The “Show, Don’t Tell” Rule

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  • #139

    Describe everything you can see out the nearest window.

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  • #138

    How have you changed since the beginning of the year?

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  • #137

    Write a list of your top ten favorite music albums.

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  • #136

    Write a poem about your childhood home.

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  • #135

    Write a story involving rain that isn’t sad.

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  • Your Setting in Real Life: Writing in Nature Rules

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  • #134

    Would you rather be lost on a deserted island or in the woods?

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  • #133

    Write a list of your favorite sounds.

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  • #132

    What is something that makes you really angry?

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  • #131

    Write a poem about the weather today.

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  • #130

    Try your hand at writing a six-word story.

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  • Patience

    Wait. Do not underestimate the power of a momentary meditation on the sound of birds in the evening. It isn’t too late.

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  • #129

    Write a list of skills you’d like to learn.

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  • #128

    If you could only wear one outfit for the next ten years, which one would you choose?

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  • #127

    Do you believe any conspiracy theories?

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  • #126

    Write a poem about your favorite animal.

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  • #125

    Write a story about a rock band with some unconventional members.

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  • #124

    Would you rather read when it’s rainy, sunny, or snowy?

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  • #123

    Do you have any enemies?

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  • #122

    What are five ways to win your heart?

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  • #121

    Write a poem with lots of internal rhyme.

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  • Opening Shift

    “One hundred billion stars in the Milky Way and you’re telling me we’re the only planet with intelligent life?” Don’t get Luca Tumlin started. In between swiping rewards cards, writing names on plastic cups, and blending up drinks with one shot of this and two shots of that, he likes to pretend he’s an astronomer.…

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  • #120

    Write a story that completely embraces your favorite tropes.

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  • #119

    Describe your best friend from memory.

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