How to Write a Novel: Using Music to Enhance Your Writing

Make a habit of listening to the lyrics of songs and thinking about how they fit into your stories.

I love music. Who doesn’t? As a writer, I often find story inspiration in songs. It could be something in the lyrics that reminds me of a character, or a particular melody that inspires me to write an exciting scene.

It’s gotten to the point where I make playlists for the books I’m writing. When I listen back to them months later, it puts me back in the mindset I was in when I wrote the first draft of that story.

Here’s how you can use music to enhance your writing.

Rule #1: Listen to the lyrics.

Sometimes I find a song that so perfectly fits one of my characters that I’m sure the songwriter read my manuscript. Other times one line makes an entire scene blossom in my head. Still other times, the lyrics are basically empty and meaningless, but I can still imagine the song playing in the background of a scene I’m writing.

Make a habit of listening to the lyrics of songs and thinking about how they fit into your stories.

As an exercise, listen to one of your favorite songs from five or ten years ago. Listen carefully to every word, and find one line that speaks to you. Write a short story based on the emotion that line conveys.

Rule #2: Find scene soundtracks.

I personally love movie soundtracks. The swell of orchestra music that just perfectly highlights the hero’s great escape from the monster—music to my writing ears.

If you’ve never listened to instrumental music, a good starting point is your favorite movie. Most sci-fi/fantasy movies—or anything with a lot of action—have great soundtracks. If you can, find the album on a streaming service and listen to each song. You should easily find a few tracks that you could picture playing in the background of your scenes.

(Plus, the titles of the songs are almost always quirky and memorable. Share some of your favorites in the comments below.)

Rule #3: Create a playlist.

Now that you’ve listened to a bunch of music with your story in mind, compile all the songs you’ve discovered into a single playlist.

If you like to listen to music while you write, now you’ve got the perfect mix of music to use for your backdrop.

If you write in silence, you can use the playlist for the creative, inspirational side of writing. Hit shuffle on your book playlist as you’re driving from school or work, and let the scenes play out in your head. If you’re consistent, those songs will put you in the right mindset to crank out a scene as soon as you get home.

What are some songs you use as writing inspiration? Comment below and share your favorites!

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