Day 4 Prompt: Dialogue Only

It’s Day 4 of the Writing Rules Mini Project and today’s prompt is a challenge I’ve been wanting to try for a long time.


Write a story using only dialogue.

That’s right – no words can fall outside the quotation marks. It should read like a play, but with no stage directions and no indication of who’s speaking. That’s the challenging part—everything we know about your characters has to come through in the words they speak.

Set a timer for fifteen minutes and write your flash fiction piece as a creative way to take a break from everything happening in the world right now. If you want to share your story and spread the creativity, use #writingrulesminiproject and tag me and your creative friends!


Remember the grammatical rules of dialogue—all punctuation (periods, question marks, exclamation points) goes INSIDE the quotation marks.

Start with only two characters to avoid complications.

Find a unique voice for each of your characters to distinguish between them.

Check out my Writing Rules Project posts about dialogue and character for more tips. Here’s one to get you started.

Daily Definition:

Dialogue – spoken words usually shown in “quotation marks.”

Dialogue usually is written in between action, description, and dialogue tags (he said, she said), but for today’s prompt, you only get to write inside the quotation marks.

Check the Creative page later today to see what I wrote for today’s prompt. And don’t forget to follow along on Instagram – @kamryn.heidi – for some song ideas and extras every day!

Stick around for the final creative writing prompts tomorrow, and be sure to share with the most creative people you know!

Comment below: What was the first line of your project today?