Day 3 Prompt: Your Favorite Color

Welcome back to the third edition of the Writing Rules Mini Project! Today’s prompt involves the hardest question in the world – what’s your favorite color?


Okay, picked one? Awaken your inner Shakespeare, because we’re about to get poetic. The challenge is to describe that color without using the name of the color. Sounds simple, right? Get back to me on that. If you want to raise the bar for yourself, here’s a list of prohibited words for these colors:

  • Red – fire, apple, rose
  • Orange – pumpkin, sunset, carrot
  • Yellow – lemon, sun, banana
  • Green – grass, trees, frog
  • Blue – water, sky, boy
  • Purple – grapes, royalty, eggplant
  • Pink – flamingo, flower, girl
  • Black – death, cat, dark


Think of your other senses. How does this color sound? Smell? Taste?

Share your description with your family and see if they can guess the color!

Set a timer and think of this as a mental break. This activity shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes, unless you’re feeling really inspired!

Daily Definition:

Defamiliarization – presenting common things in an unfamiliar or strange way to make the audience think harder about the familiar thing.

And, as promised, my color description!

It’s a warm breeze on a cool day. It’s the happy backdrop of every galaxy. It’s sticky sweet cold medicine on your tongue. It’s gems and butterflies and ribbons. It’s the smell of a tall fresh crayon at the end of a rainbow. It’s the last cloud of a sunset. It’s three candles lit in a church. It’s a solemn bell ringing out a soft comfort. What color is it?

Take a guess in the comments below, and then try your own description!

Don’t forget to follow along on Instagram – @kamryn.heidi – for extras every day!

Stick around for more fun creative writing prompts this week, and be sure to share with the most creative people you know!