Day 2 Prompt: You Are the Hero

Welcome to Day 2 of the Writing Rules Mini Project, where you get to become a hero for the day! Well, at least in your story.


Today we’re writing an author surrogate – a fictional character that you put in your story who is based on yourself, the author. This character doesn’t have to be exactly like you. Maybe she has nicer hair, or says things that you probably wouldn’t say in real life. But the character as a whole represents you and how you act or think about things. Today, you get to write yourself into your fictional world!

The first step is deciding on a world you would like to join. Maybe it’s a world with magic, or maybe it’s our own world a hundred years in the future. Maybe you have a character in mind that you’d like to have a conversation with. Or maybe you just want some cool superpowers!

Whatever you decide, the next step is to write yourself in! The fun part about this exercise is that you can have your author surrogate say or do anything you wish, and there are no repercussions (except the eyebrow-raises of your readers).


Don’t worry about getting yourself exactly right. Famous authors from as long ago as Socrates and Plato have presented idealized versions of themselves. You can write yourself as a hero – everyone has a little bit of hero inside.

Start with a description of your author surrogate to get the creative juices flowing. Ever wondered how an author would describe you? Well, now you’re the author, and you get to decide whether to emphasize your luscious lashes or shy smile.

Still stumped on a setting? Try these: a beautiful castle, a haunted house, or a dragon’s cave!

Daily Definition:

Author Surrogate – a fictional character in a story based on the author.

Well-known writers often use author surrogates to make fun of themselves, or to present their own political or ethical views under the disguise of fiction.

Check the Creative page later today to see what I wrote for today’s prompt. And don’t forget to follow along on Instagram – @kamryn.heidi – for extras every day!

Stick around for more fun creative writing prompts this week, and be sure to share with the most creative people you know!

Comment below: Is it hard to write a character based on yourself?